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Vail Historical Foundation Meeting Minutes

July 24th - 26th, 2009


President Holly Scarborough welcomed everyone to the reunion and called the meeting to order.

Nathan Vail started the meeting with a prayer.

Holly presented the reunion agenda.

Carolyn Harris read the minutes from July 2007 meeting.


Old Business

Treasurer report:

         Beginning balance:  $785.78

         Funds spent for postage and registering name in Florida for bank account.

         Vail Historical Society of the Albemarle.

         26 families paid dues. $2,154.08 balance to date


Tax-exempt status:

         Discussion - should the Foundation be a corporation versus a tax-exempt organization.

         Nate Vail presented discussion with his lawyer who recommended not going tax-exempt due to high cost of becoming tax-exempt.  He also brought a document in the State of North Carolina to become an LLC for $125. 

         The attendees voted and approved to proceed with the LLC, at the cost of $125, and be recorded in NC.

         Should we provide name/address in of a resident of NC and who could/should it be?

         Possibly someone in Edenton?  Vail Hope Ellis said that she would contact a cousin Dorothy in Edenton; Carolyn Harris also suggested someone else that is part of the foundation � Jimmy D Harrison, who resides in NC.

         So moved and approved to have Jimmy D. Harrison name/address on the registration.


Scholarship status:

         Jan Rudes proposed guidelines for scholarship awards.

         The Name: �Roy A. Vail Scholarship� was approved.

         Proposed guidelines (attached) were approved as presented, with the addition of having the scholarships designate for High School Seniors and must be submitted by April 1.

         As the fund grows, these guidelines could be amended.

         There is currently $225 in the fund.

         A committee was formed:  Jan Rudes, Carolyn Harris, Nan Vail, Nathan Vail and Janice Atkinson-Cutchin.  Others can join the committee if interested.

         If a committee member has a close family member applying they will abstain from voting.

         This information will be posted on the website.


Fundraising Committee status:

         No current actions due to illness in Alice�s family.

         Asked for a volunteer to head this effort.  Vail Hope said that she would ask around to others to find someone and report back.


New Business

         Discussion around timing of the reunion � should we change to having reunion every 3 years versus 2 years?  We decided to keep it at every 2 years for now.

         Discussion about the smaller participation this year.  Encourage all to bring at least one new family member to the reunions.

         Possibly have younger family members full voting members at age 18, instead of 21.


Site and Date for Next Reunion:

         Discussion to determine site and date for next reunion as location helps to determine who best fill officer positions, esp. President and Vice President.

         Discussion to have the next reunion in Edenton, NC.  So moved and approved.

         Discussion of best time � keep in summer due to school schedules.

         July 22-24, 2011 approved for the next reunion.


Nominations for New Officers:

         President:  Kent Vail

         Vice President:  Jimmy and Annette Harrison

         Secretary:  Nan Vail

         Treasurer:  Jan Rudes

         Lead Historian:  Vail Hope Ellis (if you are interested in the documents please see them this weekend or go to visit Vail Hope).

         Assistant Lead:  Laura Pidonka

o    Thomas Otis Vail:  Carolyn Harrison & Holly Scarborough

o    James Taylor:  Vail Hope Ellis

o    NC Vail:  Laura Pidonka & Nate Vail

o    Benners Whedbee:  Frank & Jackie Smith


Fundraising Projects

         Keep T-shirts going, to sell at the reunion.

         Need to form fundraising committee; Vail Hope has volunteered to try to get a fundraising lead and committee members.

         Other ideas discussed.


Other Business:

         Holly shared names of deaths of family members:

o    Roy A. Vail

o    Dot Boone

o    Clara Tiny Harrison

o    Diane Reese Shartzer

o    Verna Reese

o    Christopher Brian Hope

o    Frances Kugler Rumley

          Carolyn Harris raise discussion on the Vail Historical book and the possibility of getting it bound.

o     The book was sent to the Library of Congress; Nate Vail shared a copy of the Library of Congress document.

o    Copies will be made and also put one on the web site.


         Vail Hope suggested getting a highway marker in honor of BG Edward Vail in the Edenton area.  She will do some research on how to do this.  And potentially have this by the next reunion.


         Please give address and email addresses to secretary to keep our mailing list updated.


         Vail Hope reminded the group that she has the information on joining DAR and SAR for Vail family members and urged all to join to keep the Vail name in those organizations. And other organizations, such as First Families of North Carolina.


         Two new members introduced and welcomed:

Benners Brasfield Vail III  (Benners Whedby line)

Joan Gifford (James Taylor line)


Meeting adjourned by Holly Scarborough.


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Vail

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