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Business Meeting Agenda

July 13, 2013, 9:00am, Edenton, NC


1.      Call to Order/Welcome:  President Taren Vail

2.      Welcome from the Mayor of Edenton, Roland Vaughn

The Mayor gave us a warm welcome, and provided historical information about Edenton and their 300th Anniversary.

3.      Introductions

All in attendance introduced themselves.

4.      Approval of Agenda - Approved

5.      Approval of Minutes from Meeting August 6, 2011, Edenton, NC

Presented by Secretary: Nan Vail (copies in your notebook)

            Minutes reviewed by all present and approved

From the previous reunion minutes �


A question was raised about the State Marker that was discussed at the previous meeting � Vail Hope Ellis in honor of Edward Vail thru the DAR. 


Dorothy Bangert provided additional information on markers � State Marker vs DAR marker. 

State Marker � large marker on the highway, but verbiage limited; State pays for.


DAR � DAR & state have to approve verbiage; placed on the location where wanted � double sided.  $1300 paid for by the Foundation (estimated cost).


Discussion that a state marker would be appropriate.   Dorothy Bangert and George Haslip will work together to research and execute: for a state marker for BG Edward Vail � specific location to be determined. 


Nate Vail will provide specific information about Edward Vail. 


Should there be a marker on the Jeremiah Vail home site?  The Vails need to be recognized in the area.


They will also research a DAR marker if state marker is not possible.


Goal to dedicate the marker at the next reunion if at all possible.


Donations can be made to the Foundation specifically for this effort.


Old Business

6.      Treasurer Report: Treasurer Jan Rudes (reported by Nan Vail) $2814.xx  

This does not include all dues received from this reunion as well as expenses from this reunion.

7.      Tax-exempt Status � update:  Kent Vail researched other family historical organizations. 

Do not recommend pursuing at this point.  No need for further discussion or action.  All approved to no longer pursue tax exempt status.

8.      Scholarship Status �

    Status of scholarship fund - $1750


Review changes made at previous meeting (see minutes)


Carolyn Harris discussed that the scholarship requirements were too constricting; we should focus less on GPA and not require a 500 word essay - especially for the amount of scholarship offered.  Also, should we offer it to not only High School Seniors � could add for college undergraduates.


Suggestion:  GPA stays the same and word limit minimum of 350 words; extend it to be offered for High School Seniors and college undergraduates.  Increase the amount to $300.


Above suggestions were moved and approved.  The Scholarship Fund requirements document will be amended to include this information.


Recommend to review the Scholarship Fund and requirements at each reunion meeting.


Recommend additional communication for the scholarship - email notification to the Foundation by Jan 31st.  A regular mailing will also be considered.


Nan Vail will be the chair of the committee.

bulletAll committee members will review and vote on any applicants.

9.      Fundraising Committee Status � Holly Scarborough

bullet Holly created Tea Party/Vail crest ornament for sale at $10.  50 were made; could make more if necessary.
bullet George Haslip recommended that the �Vails of the Albemarle� be digitized.  He will create CDs and make it available; and also make the digitized format available to Kent Vail to upload on the Vail Historical Foundation website.
bullet George also provided a copy to the North Carolina Archives and History, for their records.
bullet Dorothy will provide a copy to the DAR for their records.
bullet Dorothy discussed that she provided her genealogy to the Barco Library.

10.  Historian:

Historian Committee Members:


Historian Committee Members
bullet Lead Historian:   Vail Hope Ellis
bullet Thomas Otis Vail:   Carolyn Harris
bullet Deceased � Frankie Myers (2012); Martha Myers (2013) � members of the Foundation and Thomas Otis Reese (2013)

James Taylor Vail:  Vail Hope Ellis
bullet Unfortunately Vail Hope could not make it.  She sends her warmest love & regards to all of us and was disappointed she couldn�t make it.  Janice will visit with Vail Hope so we do not lose any additional history, and ask if she has any other suggestions for lead historian?


NC Vail:  Laura Pidonka
bullet Should this change? As Laura lives in Montana; does Vail Hope have any additional information or suggestions for this line? Or any other recommendations for lead? 


Benners Whedbee:   Jackie Benners Whedbee


William Carney line:  George Haslip volunteered to lead this line.


Recommendation for George Haslip to take over as Lead Historian and work with Vail Hope Ellis.  Moved and approved.


    New Business

11.  The Order of First Families of North Carolina � role for Vail Historical Foundation

bullet Nate Vail presented information about this organization.
bullet Several members of our Foundation are already members (Janice Cutchins, Gay Davenport, Vail Hope Ellis):
bullet They hold bi-annual luncheons; held all over the state, with large participation (100+).
bullet George Haslip and Dorothy Bangert is looking to join as well.
bullet How should we participate as the Vail Historical Foundation?
bullet Janice Cutchin has the information if other individuals want to join.  Janice has joined as a Jeremiah Vail descendant.
bullet Individuals join the organization; fee is $300.

12.  Nominations for New Officers

bullet President:  Nathan Vail
bullet Vice President: Janice Cutchin
bullet Secretary:  Holly Scarborough
bullet Treasurer:  Kent Vail
bullet Committee Members: 
bullet Scholarship Chair � Nan Vail; add Gail Hodges and remove Nathan Vail to the committee.
bullet Fundraising � Holly Scarborough and Sandy Myers-Hawley

13.   Site/Date for 2015 Reunion

bullet Edenton, NC � due to the marker unveiling
bullet Time frame � 3rd or 4th weekend in July
bullet Newburn, NC is another possible location as the Vails have had a large presence there.
bullet Decision for this location for the 2017 reunion meeting, and possibly 2015, depending on the possibility of marker unveiling.

14.  Other new business

bullet Janice provided an overview of the dinner tonight and encouraged all to attend.
bullet Nan reviewed activities for the afternoon.
bullet George � has information about  Isabella Lanier, second wife Abner Nash Vail Jr.

15.  Adjourn

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