Business Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2015, 9:00am, Edenton, NC
Welcome by President Janice Cutchin . Acknowledging various leaders in every committee.
Next order of business was a memorial from Vail Hope Ellis on all our Vail families members that have passed on. A special recognition of Brigadier Nathan C. Vail for his service to his country and representing our family and Roy Vail for establishing along with Alfred Vail and Lillian Vail from Pieville
Prayer from Vail Hope Ellis a letter from the archives from the past that Abner Nash Vail I who just lost his wife Mary Ann Campbell Macie.
George Haislip gave the presentation of the special guest. Mr. Barbour and his research and findings.
Janice presented the secretary minutes and requested a move to accept them. Carolyn Harris approved for motion and Vail Hope Seconded It.
Janice presented the Treasurer�s Report Holly approved the report.
Scholarship Committee Nan Vail headed at the meeting presenting that we had an applicant but she did not meet the GPA requirement. Changes were made to change no GPA 3.5, provide evidence of transcript, and scholarship can be presented to high school and college graduate. $300.00 and April 15 deadline for due and May 15 to select candidate. Sandy Hawley Approved 1st and group 2nd. Carolyn Harris stepped down and Gay Davenport agreed to come on.
Carolyn explained the circumstances behind the applicants for the scholarship candidate Ashlyn Vail Harris, various health conditions of mother, step brother and father. The group moved that a contribution of the passing of the hat be made on her behalf.
Janice moved that the change of address and email information be filled out in the front of the binder and submitted to Holly Scarborough.
Fundraising Committee Chair Holly Scarborough and Sandy Hawley explained what items are for sale.
Janice presented that the various historians review who has deceased in the family lines and who at the meeting are represented.
Also Sandy Hawley presented pictures of the new fence around the cemetery in Plymouth, NC.
Rachel and Sandy Hawley have agreed to be historians for the T.O. Vail line and Carolyn Harris has stepped down.
New Business: It was presented that a Commemorative Brick be purchased and also the Chowan Historical Foundation we join as affiliation Janice approved and Vail Hope seconded it.
Meeting was called to adjourn by Janice Cutchin and approved by all members.
Nomination of Designation of New Bern as location for next meeting.
Date of meeting: July 21, 22, 23, 2017. Janice moved to approve and Sandy Hawley seconded.
Nomination of new officers: Nan Vail proposed a new slate of officers.
President: Janice Cutchin
Vice- President: George Haislip
Secretary: Gail Harrison Hodges
Treasurer: S. Kent Vail
Vail Hope Ellis approved 1st and Janice Cutchin seconded and group approved.
Special recognition done by Holly Scarborough
Oldest Family Member: Randy Meyers
Furthest Traveling Member: Joan Gifford
Historian: George Haislip
Hospitality Committee: Jimmie and Annette Harrison and Gail Harrison Hodges
Janice proposed meeting be adjourned and the group seconded.
Directions and Time Provided for Tour this afternoon and lunch and dinner and menu also.