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Vail Reunion 2017

New Bern, NC

Business Meeting Minutes

Taren Vail


         Good morning and welcome by Janice Cutchin (President)

 Report from officers

1.      George ( Vice President)

2.      Gail Hodges (Secretary)

a.      Binders- email extra info/forms that didn�t make it to the binder

b.      Kent Vail will read the minutes (minutes read)

3.      Kent Vail (Treasurer)

a.      Treasury report was gone over

b.      About 2k in funds

c.      About 2k in scholarship

d.      Profits of t-shirts to scholarship going forward and reimbursing the treasury

4.      Nan Vail (scholarship chairman)

a.      Increase scholarship to $500

b.      Includes trade schools, community college, etc.

c.      Gail Hodges is stepping down from scholarship committee

d.      Potential for 4 scholarship recipients

e.      Send out more reminders to get the word out about the scholarship/ increase interest

f.       350 word essay for $500

g.      Vote on $500 and 3.5 unweighted GPA

                                                    i.     Approved

5.      Holly Scarborough

a.      Idea for coming up with a memorabilia committee to hold on to family items

                                                    i.     George agreed to hold memorabilia as historian

 Recognition of Each of the Family Lines

1.      Thomas Otis- 6 members

a.      Gail, Tara, and Sandy went out to find TO�s storefront

b.      Courthouse had been moved from the waterfront

2.      James Taylor- 5 members

a.      Raising questions about Lily Lavinia (JT�s wife)

3.      Nathan Columbus- 3 members- newfound family member Jerry Schawarz unable to come

a.      No new news

b.      Taren Vail new historian for NC

c.      Carolyn Harris- idea to send card from Vail Family to Jerry to send thoughts and prayers

4.      William Carney-

a.      William died young

b.      Looking into wife�s history after William�s death

c.      Buried in cemetery that Gail manages (full circle)

 Memorial Service: Vail Ellis

1.      Recognizing those who are not with us anymore

a.      Randy Meyers- two brothers (Billy and Dudley) are still with us at the reunion

b.      Fred Atkinson- Janice�s cousin

2.      Reading about Abner Nash

3.      Closing with a verse

 Old Business

         No old business

 New Business

        Controversy over family crest- brought up by Carolyn Harris

 Historical Project- George Haislip

         Family crests change and evolve over years


         We have 3 evolutions of crest

o   Crest may have come out of new England area

o   First crest is probably the one that only shows the one shield and has a swan and crosses

o   Second crest has additional panels to the shield and also has the swan and crosses but was found in New Bern, NC

  Some findings showed Vale spelling of Vail

  Written motto is the same between all 3 crests

o   We need to eventually make a decision on which crest to consistently use as a family

        Cemetery Plot in New Bern

o   The site itself will be renovated (tryon palace and local DAR are funding)

o   Two governors are buried at this site

o   George would like to replace the bench with a memorial to the family

        Pay voucher shows that Thomas Vail was part of the Revolution

Report from Election Committee: Reid Soloman

Presentation of Slate of Officers

        President- Sandy Hawley and Holly Scarborough

        Vice President- George Haislip

        Secretary- Tara Thomas

        Treasury- Kent Vail

        Historian- George Haislip

        Scholarship Chairman- Nan Vail

        Fundraiser committee- Holly and Sandy

        Special Projects committee- Sandy Hawley, George Haislip, and Holly

Election of Officers


        Picture taken

Installation of Officers: Janice Cutchin

Any other business

1.     Finding a time and place for next reunion

a.      Edenton

b.      July 19-21 2019

Call for Adjournment

        Janice adjourned the meeting 10:55





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