Vail Reunion 2019
Edenton, NC
Business Meeting Minutes
Taren Vail
1. Call to Order
a. Holly (Co-pres)
2. Agenda approval
3. Finances - Kent Vail
4. Old Business
a. Ceremony of Bench
b. Vail Family crest
i. Two family crests (England/New Bern)
ii. Suggested vote to choose one
c. Scholarship fund
i. Criteria
1. Trade school
2. High school
3. College
4. Grad School (up for decision)
ii. Amount: $1,717.88
iii. Scholarship recipient: Eric Nicks
1. Letter from Eric read by Gay
d. Fundraising committee (Holly)
i. Any merchandise sold, money goes to scholarship fund
5. Historian Committees
a. Thomas Otis line
i. Passing of Billy Meyers
b. James Tayler
i. No new news
c. Nathan Columbus line
i. Kent Vail presented new information about Nathan and George Vail�s mother
d. Benners line
i. No new news
e. William Carney
i. Indiana Virginia Ansley
6. Nomination of Officers
a. President- George Haslip
b. Vice President- Gay Davenport
c. Secretary- Taren Suraci
d. Treasurer- Kent Vail
e. Scholarship chairwoman- Cam Solms
i. Addition of Rachel Kelly on committee
f. Fundraiser Committee- Sandy Hawley
7. Location for 2021
a. Recommended Plymouth, NC (winner)
b. Recommended Myrtle Beach, SC
c. Recommended Wilmington, NC
8. Time
a. July 16-18/ 2021