2022 Vail Family Reunion Minutes
1. Call to order
a. Gail- introduction/welcome to Plymouth
i. One of oldest families in Plymouth (Abner Nash)
2. Scholarship fund
a. Janice- Recipient is Mary Natalie Rudes ($1000)
3. Finances
a. Kent Vail- money talk: updates in 2 years
b. Keep website or move to facebook exclusively?
i. Keep website
4. Location for 2024
a. Options
i. Wilmington (seems likely)
1. Brunswick Town
2. Southport (Winner)
ii. Maneo (NJ)
b. Date
i. July 19-21 2024
5. Officers
a. Keep as is
i. President- George
ii. Vice- Gay
iii. Treasurer- Kent
iv. Secretary- Taren
v. Scholarship- Cam
6. Fundraising
a. Raising funds for lawn care for St Lukes/St Ann�s Cemetery
i. Taking donations
ii. Vali- donating $500 for first year on behalf of Vail Allen memory
1. And $500 for scholarship
2. And for the website for the year
b. Historic marker near church/cemetery
7. Plymouth Mayor (Brian Roth) speaks
a. Spoke about how to go about getting family historic marker
b. Gave some history on Plymouth